The Dynamite Room
by Jason Hewitt The Dynamite Room by Jason Hewitt, where do I start... perhaps by saying, that I annoyed my wife a couple of times, by sitting on the sofa, engrossed in this book, rather than spending family time watching the TV on a weekend! I was addicted to this book. The two main characters Lydia and Heiden and these really are 'The Two Main Characters" as you get to experience their experiences as if they are your own experiences.
I know you appreciate my honest reviews, and I know it is personal choice about what type of books we like to read BUT... this book will appeal to all readers. It is so well written as it flows from flashback to flashback, to present day to flashback/etc, without annoying or slowing/rushing in pace. The flashbacks are written so that you, the reader, are actually thinking about them; this is weird to explain I guess, but I just found myself floating from the present day storyline to a flashback, whether that be with young Lydia in Wales or Heiden in Germany/Norway/France/England... and I never, not once, did I find myself getting lost in this book. Certain books I get to read (a lot) that have flashback storylines do make me scratch my head, or have to re-read, or more often than not, I don't connect with all the moving backwards and forwards, and it just does not register. This did NOT happen with this book. Jason Hewitt does not want for the reader to be spoon fed, and I found the whole pace of the book never slowed or speeded to the conclusion, even though I did find myself wanting to finish the book quickly, as I was wanting to know the outcome of the main characters. The story shifts this way and that way, it also has the odd reveal here and there, which does not ruin the storyline or eventual conclusion, it just makes you want to know more and to find out how/who/what/why such a thing matters or is/was of significance. Jason Hewitt is an actor, playwright and now an established author, he uses the first two skills to his perfection, you often think you in a theatre or watching a film, suspenseful, entertaining, moving, gripping, addictive (very), shocking and the list can go on, and on, and on, and on... Jason, I salute you! 10 out of 10. |
Review by Carl Marsh
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