Lew Smart
Interview by Carl Marsh - September 2014
Hi Lew,
I came across you via social media, and I am a big fan of Living the Part, the web series that you not only starred in, but produced, wrote, etc... I can see what a talent you are, so thought before you become too big to not be able to connect with, I wanted to do this interview. So, for those that don't know you (yet!), what message would you like those reading this? I'm a passionate fellow from Cornwall with an interesting & different approach to life - are you interested yet? Before I talk about Living the Part, I have some questions to inspire the readers to get into reading more books. So, can you tell me what is the best book that you have ever read, and why is that? It would have to be The Secret - purely because at that time in my life, it kind of lit a fire in my belly, and encouraged me to do what I wanted to do to make me happy. Sorry that I chose a self-help book here. Are you reading anything at the moment? I'm reading over a screenplay I'm working on - constantly. It's vividly locked into my head and imagination, so I'm always reading and tweaking it. Sorry, no time for any books at the moment. Have you ever fancied writing a book yourself? Yes actually. It would probably go down the genre of self-help though. It would be about chasing your dreams, and doing what you love - even when the odds (and the advice your given), is against you. When did you decide that acting was the career that you wanted, and how did you get your first break? It was in my third year at film school, that I decided that I needed to go to drama school and learn more about the craft of acting. I was already getting an understanding through acting in our student films, and writing my dissertation on 1950s America - everything that was taking place, and how it helped Marlon Brando in becoming such an iconic star. That gave me quite an insight, and drove me to persue acting - that was in 2011. As for my break, I haven't had my break, as it were, yet. I've had bit parts but my greatest achievement thus far was creating a six episode Web Series that I star in. With your latest project Living the Part, what is it all about? It's semi autobiographical in that some of the events are from actual scenarios I've experienced whilst auditioning in London. It's about a young man coming to terms with himself, but this young man is a method trained actor, who uses quirky techniques to prepare for upcoming auditions. He's basically the idiot that we care about. The next 12 months, what do they hold for you? Get this feature length screenplay finished and then get it picked up, if not then I'll make it into a short film with a small budget and shoot it. I'm also writing series two of Living the Part. Keep auditioning because anything could happen there. In between all of this, I'm doing a part time course in hairdressing, because I love to learn new things, and have an aptitude for this skill. It's my kind of job, meeting and chatting to people whilst making them look cool, haha. What has been your most memorable experience so far? I would have to say shooting the series, the way people came together and helped was so beautiful, I loved every minute of that! Any regrets along the way? None what so ever. I always end on a literary note, so using your imagination as if you were to write it in a book, if you could be an animal, what would it be and why? The lion is always in my mind, always has been. So beautiful, so strong, so dignified. Yeah, I love lions! Lew @LewSmart @livingthepart |
Occupation: Actor / Producer / Writer
Country: UK |