Rebekah Kennedy
Interview by Carl Marsh - September 2014
Hi Rebekah,
as you know, I use this website to promote reading, therefore, why is reading important to you? Reading is so important. And it's really important to me as well. I feel growing up in school, I had such little time to read for pleasure. We were mostly reading assigned books, even in the summer time to prepare for the next school year. Now, I mostly get to read for pleasure and it's truly rekindled my love for reading. Whether it's a script, a play, or a good book, I get to escape for a while and enter another land. I love to live in the fantasy of a great book or script. It's important to getaway from our life stress and dream. And there's nothing better than a book that you can't put down. Only one more chapter, then it's hours later. Why should people read more? I think people should read more because for one thing, it's fun! It also expands your vocabulary skills along with your own writing skills as well. It enables people to fly into their imaginations which is a great escape. And in this age, we often need that. What is your favourite book, and why is that? Narrowing down a favourite book is difficult! But one of my favourite books is "To Kill A Mockingbird." It's a beautiful and yet painful. It paints a picture of horror, despair, and even delight. All told through the innocent eyes of a child. Definitely unforgettable, it’s splendidly written and filled with universal truths. It's a book everyone needs to read at least once. Are you currently reading anything at the moment, or just finished; a good read? I just finished "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn. Ugh!, what a fantastic read that was. I highly recommend that book. It's got amazing twists and turns. I just started "The 5th Wave" by Rick Yancey. I'm not terribly far into it, but I'm loving it so far! Another series I'm working on is "The Testing" by Joelle Charbonneau. There's three books and I've read two so far. A great read! Highly recommend this fun story as it will keep you guessing. If I could ask you about your career highlights, what would you say was your best experience? It's always hard to narrow it down to one great experience. I've honestly had amazing experiences in every project I've been a part of. But I will talk about "House Hunting" as it was my first lead in a feature film. The cast and crew of this film were just incredible. I was so nervous going into the project, but they made me feel right at home and made the experience an amazing one. The director, Eric Hurt, was also fantastic and made the intense shoot comfortable. I had to go to many dark places emotionally for the film, and he was always right there with me. It's a psychological thriller about two families who go to an open house and can't leave. It's currently available on Netflix and DVD. If you could choose a role model in your personal life, and also one in your acting profession, who would that be, and why? That's a great question. In life, I would have to say my mom. She is so strong and such an amazing woman. I really look up to her. She always stands up for what she believes in, has great values, but also has a generous and loving heart. She often reminds me to approach people with an open heart. For my career, I would have to say Meryl Streep. She's a truly an incredible actress that infuses her characters with so much depth. She's had such a fantastic career and I hope to get the pleasure of working with her someday. What do the next 12 months hold for you, Rebekah Kennedy? Well, I just wrapped a horror film called "Bastard" with the incredible directing team of Powell Robinson and Patrick Robert Young. I had a truly incredible time filming with this amazing cast and crew. My series "Match" should be releasing in the next few months and my episode is entitled 'Tonight.' And I have another project I'm slated to start working on in the next few months that I can't talk about just yet. And hopefully, more things to talk about in the future as well! Did you always want to be an actor, and how did you get into this industry? I think I always wanted to be an actor. From the time I was 4 years old and my mom brought me to see my first play, something ignited in me. Even at such a young age, something about acting intrigued me. Of course, I didn't start until much later. When I was 12, my mom finally took my pleas seriously and let me start in some classes and auditioning for some plays. And that was it. I was hooked. And lastly, "If you could be an animal,what would it be, and why?” If I could be any animal, I would pick a dolphin. They are amazing creatures. Extremely intelligent and intuitive. Thanks Rebekah, it has been a pleasure talking to you, and thanks for doing what you do, Carl Thanks so much again for this interview! I really appreciate it! And to anyone that's pursing acting or anything in the business: Never give up! You will hear so many no's and you can't do this or that. Prove them wrong. Keep fighting. Dreams are way to important to give up on. Thank you!! Rebekah @rebekahkennedy |
Occupation: Actress
Country: USA |