Jai McDowall
Interview by Carl Marsh - July 2014
How goes it Jai?
I am very well thank you, the sun is shining in Scotland, so it's all good. Since winning Britain's Got Talent in 2011, you have been very busy. So for the last 3 years, what have you been up to? I had a crazy first 6 months, where I recorded my album, and then performed all round the UK, I even went to China, I dueted with Josh Groban, and I performed on the Royal Variety. I then started writing my own material, and have moved management. At this moment I am in the studio working on material for my second album, which I hope will be out very soon. As you know, I promote the message that reading is important, and I know you agree with me? (if you want to say why reading is important - if it helped you in anyway?) Reading is so important, I feel like I'm taken away from all the stresses and problems of life, when I immerse myself in a book. Especially ones about magic and the world of fantasy. Apart from being very busy performing or in the studio, do you still get chance to read much? I read as much as I can, I definitely don't read near as much as I used to but, I am getting back into the swing of it. I like to read before bed, as it calms me down, so its a good relaxation excercise if nothing else. What is your favourite book, and why is that? Well even though I was 21 before I finally read them, I love the Harry Potter series, as I loved the journey and the story of how he always overcame anything that was thrown at him. At the moment, I have just finished a book called 'Fool Moon' by Jim Butcher. I intend to finish the rest of 'The Dresden Files' as I enjoy reading about witchcraft and wizardry as you can probably tell. And yes, I am still waiting for my letter to go to Hogwarts! Obviously the last 3 years must have flown by for you but of these last 3 years, apart from winning Britains Got Talent in 2011, what has been your 2nd best experience? I have had so many great experiences since the show, going to China was brilliant, but also, meeting all of the wonderful people I have on the journey has been great. I have met some new friends, and rediscovered some old. I am blessed with so many great experiences, and its wonderful, waking up everyday knowing I have been given the opportunity to do what I love. What can we expect from you, Jai McDowall, in the next 12 months? I am in the studio recording, so my aim in the next 12 months is to release another album and then "TAKE OVER THE WORLD!" If Jai McDowall could be an animal, what would it be and why? I would be a tiger, as I love big cats, and I was also born in the Chinese Zodiac year of the tiger...so kinda fits! |
Occupation: Singer
Country: UK |