Luke Towler
Interview by Carl Marsh - October 2014
Hi Luke, you are a singer currently living in Spain, so I hope the weather is good?
Hi, yes I'm in Tenerife and the weather is nice as always!! Just in case anyone does not know much about you, can you give them a brief synopsis? Hi, my name is Luke Towler. I'm 17 years old and I sing, write, produce and play guitar! I was born in Spain, and have spent most of my life there. I am bilingual in Spanish/English. I know you have used social media to your advantage, so what advice can you give to anyone that wishes to follow in your footsteps? I started using social media about 2 years ago by setting up a Twitter account, followed by an Instagram account. I have worked hard to build up my followers. Its important to me to have loyal followers/fans, and I try as much as I can to interact with them. I think its important to have real fans, as these are the ones that will support you when you need them the most. I also have a YouTube channel to which I upload covers mainly. I think this is important so that your fans can see and hear you sing/perform. I use Facebook to post pictures and video clips etc, and to let fans know what I’m doing etc. You know that I use this website to promote reading, so why is reading important to you? I think reading is important as it broadens the mind, and helps me to become more creative. You can always learn new things. I’m not reading anything at the moment as I haven’t had much time lately, as I’ve been busy working on my music. What is your favourite book, and why is that? To be honest, I cannot pick one favourite, as I like reading biographies mainly. So it would have to be a biography but I cannot just say which one. If I could ask you about your music career highlights so far, what is your best experience? I think the highlight so far in my music career was being Cody Simpson’s support act. That was absolutely amazing. I couldn’t believe the crowds reaction when I came onto the stage, and started singing. They went crazy!! Another highlight has been working with Justin Biebers voice coach, Jan Smith. She is a lovely lady and she has helped me a lot. Have you got any funny stories that has happened over your career/life that you can share with your fans? Lots of funny things have happened that have been funny. One thing in particular was when I was in Atlanta in the US, and we were invited to what we thought was a baby’s christening. We bought presents for the baby, card, etc and after a little while, we realized that we were actually at the wedding of the babies parents!! A bit embarrassing!! So recently, what have you been up to? Recently I have been in the USA making a music video and doing some recording in the studio. Currently I am in Tenerife working on my music in the studio. Practising guitar and learning electric guitar also. I have been performing at some fantastic venues in Tenerife. I think its important to perform as much as I can, as performance is very important for when you start touring etc. Looking forward, what do the next 12 months hold for you, Luke Towler? Over the next 12 months, I hope that I will be going back to the USA again. I would like to release some of my own music, and also to do an international tour!! Did you always want to be an singer from an early age, if not, what did you want to be initially? From an early age I have always sung. My parents have videos of me trying to sing before I could even talk!! My Dad is a singer, so I've had the opportunity to perform from a very early age. I used to dress up in an Elvis suit when I was young, and then do an Elvis show!! Ha Ha!! I have always been involved in performing arts, dance and music from a very early age, so I suppose it was inevitable, that I would end up doing something along those lines!! Last question to end on a literary note, as if you were to write it in a book, "If you could be an animal or any other living creature, what would it be, and why?” I would be a monkey if I could be any other animal!! I think it would be quite good fun to be a monkey, swinging through the trees, and being cheeky! If not, then perhaps a duck billed platypus!! Thanks Luke I wish you a long and very successful career! Carl Thanks for the interview. Hope to see you all soon, Luke @towlerluke |
Occupation: Singer
Country: UK / Spain |