Lewis J Hepworth
Interview by Carl Marsh - June 2014
great to speak with you finally! Hi there, many thanks for getting in touch Carl. Its my pleasure Lewis! You are a busy young man and I appreciate you helping me spread the importance of reading. It's also good for your fans to know a little more about yourself too! If I could start by asking you about why it is important to read? I think reading exposes you to a world of imagination, showing you nothing is impossible in this world, and if you set your mind to something, it can be done. I also think reading gives you knowledge, which is power in my opinion! What is the best book you have ever read, and why? I'm very much into reading autobiographies. The best book I have every read is Justin Bieber's autobiography 'Just Getting Started'. This is due to me being in the same position as he was, when he was starting out, to make it in an industry he was making it in. It was very good to read his side of the stories that you hear in the papers and online. Justin Bieber is one of my biggest role models in life, and I look up to him massively for the success he has created by working hard. I think it is amazingly written, in detail of every key event, and a very honest book to read. I truly recommend it to everyone! Are you currently reading anything at present or just finished, if so, what was it, and was it any good? Right now I am not reading anything due to consistently being busy with events and radio. However, I have just ordered the Harry Potter book set because I think books that are based on films are always generally good to read. These books allow you to really understand the role of a character, and the description of this character written in a book, allows you to use more of your imagination and own thought processes! You really have gained a massive following through social media and the radio, using it to get yourself noticed, so what advice would you give to anyone thinking about doing the same? Social media is by far one of the most powerful things, without it I wouldn't be anywhere near what I am today and the future it holds for me. Advice I can give on this is don't ever give up on your dreams and ambitions, don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do something, don't let no-one tell you your not good enough. With me, the more I get knocked down the more I want to do well and make huge things happen for me and my future. However, fame and success is very unpredictable so everyone should have a fall back, something that they can do if everything goes wrong, keep up with your studying, follow your dreams and smile at every opportunity! Of all the social media platforms that you use, which would you say is the most important one(s) for you, and why? Twitter is by far the most important social media sites for me, it has created so much success with my career! Twitter also allows me to interact with my fans on a very personal level, and it lets me have some honest real chats with them, whether that be making their day better when going though a bad time, or just telling them a big thank you for supporting me! Without the fans backing, my wildest dreams would have never come true! What do the next 12 months or so hold for you? The next 12 months in my career are so important to the rest of my future. This is the make or break point for me. Right now my main focus is the radio, and I enjoy working on the radio talking to thousands of people every week. I have many events coming up, including a celebrity football match and being alongside Union J at the IAmMusic Festival. I will also be recording for a movie in the next couple of months, so things are getting really exciting for me and my future. I have my management at Wire Management to thank for everything! If you could choose, would you wish to be a TV star or continue in radio? Every open opportunity I get, I sit in front of the TV. So for me, being a TV star would be all my dreams come true. One thing I have always wanted to do since I can remember is be in UK hit soap 'Eastenders'. Everyone has a TV at home, so being on the screens watched by millions would be unreal. Random and last question from me is this, "If you had to choose to be an animal, what would it be, and why?" Your going to find this so strange, but if I could be an animal, well, I don't know if this counts but...... I would choose to be an ant, purely based on them being so hard working and such team players. It's a very strange answer I know!! Thanks Lewis, it's still a living creature, so I can let it count! I am sure your fans will love your answer. If you have any final comments you would like to say? Can I just thank Wire Management, all my fans and most importently my dad for always being there for me, helping through all my life struggles and never losing hope in me! Many thanks Lewis @OfficialLewisH |
Occupation: Radio Presenter / Social Media
Country: UK |