Nader Nadernejad
Interview by Carl Marsh - June 2014
Hi Nader,
as someone who has utilised social media to it's full potential to build up quite a fan base, I salute you! With this in mind, I just had to interview you, so thanks for doing this. No problem, Carl! It's a pleasure to be taking part in this interview. Let's be best friends forever. As you know, I promote reading, so my first question to you would be, what would you say to your fans about why it is important to read? I believe it's important to read for many reasons, but ultimately, reading allows you to live in the mind of somebody else, and I believe that people need to do that more. We're often so wrapped up in our immediate lives, that we don't take the time to consider others. I have a passion for both story and people, Carl. Reading is the best way to live in somebody else's shoes. It's a medium between humanity and expression. What is the best book you have ever read, and why? The best book that I have ever read would have to be "The Alchemist", by Paulo Coelho. The book was introduced to me by my high school English teacher. It's such an amazing book that speaks to me on a personal level. It's simple, yet powerful! It's all about pursuing your dreams, and I intend to pursue my dreams until the day I die. Are you currently reading anything at present or just finished, if so, what was it, and was it any good? Truthfully, I've been very busy with production work, music performances, radio and casting auditions, but I'm looking forward to reading a lot over the summer! I really miss it. You really have gained a massive following through social media, using it to get yourself noticed, so what advice would you give to anyone thinking about doing the same? My advice to people who are looking to get discovered is short and simple - be yourself. We need to embrace our inner-selves, and have no fear when it comes to showing our personalities. One thing about being in the public eye is that you cannot let anybody intimidate you. When I first started working in media, people said things like "Nader may be inexperienced, but he is fearless." A fearless attitude and the desire to reach my goals, is exactly what has given me the motivation to pursue what I love most. Of all the social media platforms that you use, which would you say is the most important one(s) for you, and why? Of all the social media platforms that I use, Twitter would have to be the most important one out there. I have scored interviews with renowned individuals across the globe through Twitter. Aside from this, I use Twitter to stay updated with people who inspire me as individuals. Besides, Carl; You found me on Twitter yourself! What do the next 12 months or so hold for you? I can tell that you're a very fancy man, Carl. Only a truly sophisticated person says 12 months instead of 1 year! In all seriousness though, I'm seeking out acting and television opportunities and have been in contact with media facilitators, producers and casting directors across Canada. Aside from that, I'm looking to study broadcast journalism and continue to play and compose music. I play the saxophone in a band, and we're going to Boston next year! If you had to choose a fixed career, would it be a producer, or a radio DJ? "Production" is a very broad term. Most professional radio DJ's often refer to themselves as producers anyhow. My dream is to do what I love. I love working with people, learning about their lives, and portraying emotion through acting. I also have a passion for art, stories, food and culture. My goal is to have a fixed career in all of those areas. The career that I'm referring to is a career that is held in the public eye and offers self expression. I want to do it all. I want to become an actor and a broadcaster, I want to work alongside the media and offer a look at the world through a different set of eyes. I want to travel too, but ultimately, I want to live doing what I love. One question I have to ask you is could you survive without using the internet for 24 hours, or would it drive you mad? It definitely would not drive me mad. One thing I can't live without though, is food! I adore food. Food is my baby. Hey, would you like to grab a bite to eat after this interview? Yeah, that sounds like a plan! Before I forget, I have my random and last question which is this, "If you had to choose to be an animal, what would it be, and why?" I would be a monkey. Since I was little, people have always called me monkey. I mean, think about it Carl; "Monkey see, monkey do." Thanks Nader, all the best for the future. Carl Thank you for the opportunity, Carl! It's been a blast. Nader @OhLookItsNader |
Occupation: Radio Presenter / Social Media
Country: UK |