Tony Wedral
Interview by Carl Marsh - May 2014
Hi Tony,
as a UK based YouTuber, most people reading this will be fans of yours from YouTube and Twitter, or soon will be! I really do thank you for helping me promote reading as something that should be done more. It's cool to be involved in this, as I really believe that reading is something every individual should attempt to involve themselves with, whether it's to indulge into other fantasies, or relate to other individuals in our 'world'. I think the reading-out-loud in classrooms is a fairly tedious way of reading, and puts off youngsters (like myself at a young age), as you gradually fall asleep in class because of other's voice (maybe I've just got an attention span of a banana), (I don't even know what a bananas attention span is like), but promoting self-pleasure in reading is something I respect about this website, so thank you for having me. I have watched quite a few of your YouTube videos, you really are spot on with the impressions you do. Have any of those that you have done impressions of, actually commented on how good (or bad), they thought you were? Thank you! I clearly practiced for hours every day (not really). Unfortunately not, I mean the 'more popular'' content creators (YouTubers) are busy and they seem to be very difficult to get into contact with, primarily due to the fact of management, who are now sliding their way into the YouTube industry act like they are managers of Justin Bieber when it comes to security. There's a lot of channels you need to go through to be in contact with the larger YouTubers. It takes luck to be noticed, but my sole purpose of the video was to make my viewers laugh, and not to gain mainstream attention. I presume if one of the YouTubers I imitated were to watch, they'd be absolutely horrified by the impressions. As you are someone that has grasped social media and utitlised it to it's full potential, what advice would you offer to anyone thinking of doing what you have? Very flattering of you to say, I guess social media and I are basically dating. It's just an individual decision. I'm lucky that I prefer sitting on the internet for hours interacting with people than going out and getting drunk. So I suppose that, if you are willing to go into video making, singing or even just becoming one of those Instagram warriors that uploads about 10 selfies a day, it's important to list your priorities. I know many people on YouTube who have a similar number of subscribers to me, however they don't interact very much on social media because they prefer doing 'fun' things in this bizarre thing called the 'outernet'. However no, seriously, I would say if you know what you want to do, and are determined to make a success out of it, you firstly must realise it won't happen overnight. It takes hard work, a lot of luck, and the most important thing is to just be yourself. We live in this society where we are nurtured to believe the internet is a bad place, and that strangers are dangerous; therefore the more genuine and real you can be on the internet (especially if you make YouTube videos), then that should hopefully lead to more success and more fun. Am I correct in saying that you are still in further education, if so, what are you studying? Well I've just completed my first year of university (with the high hopes I have even passed the year), so another two more years of reading and stressful nights until I can stand at my graduation and feel like a 'boss'. I am studying a degree in Marketing, which was rather unintentional as I never was one to fully know what I wanted. Therefore, once I began the degree, I realised two things - 1) University is boring and 2) This degree is actually a good choice, because I later started making videos and realised how useful this all was. I would also like to encourage people to do what they want to do, as many 15-17 year old's feel forced to move on to further education by teachers, but with the expenses rising for a degree, I do not want people to feel like they have no other escape. I did a degree because otherwise, I would just be watching Netflix all day which is not all that bad, but hey, I would get bored after a month, but now I am glad I have moved on to further education. In the next 12 months, what does the future hold for you - aside from the studying question mentioned already, do you foresee becoming a YouTube superstar? I mean, I would love to. Who wouldn't?! Tooooooo! many people on YouTube claim they don't do it for popularity, but for their own 'personal use', but yet they end up doing Too Much Information tags and Q&A's too. I enjoy doing what I am doing, as I find it a good laugh and have already met many epic people along the way. So I suppose I hope for more in the next 12 months, and as I am working on a secret project for next year, I also have more hope in gaining wider recognition. Of course it takes luck too, so we will have to wait and see. I do not see myself making videos forever, as I have aspirations to get into acting, which I have always wanted from a young age as I am a massive fan of reading and writing scripts. However, the support I have received already for my videos is overwhelming, and very humbling, therefore I thank everyone who watches my videos and helps me via word-of-mouth, but all I can hope for is, more of the same and dream for much more. What advice would you give to your fans/followers in that it is important to read? As I mentioned at the start, I believe it is important to find comfort in a variety of ways and I can not say I am the biggest of readers as I find pleasure in many other things, however I know that when I do pick up a book and read it allows you calm down and escape this disastrous sense of reality which sometimes seems to be too much for us humans to handle. Furthermore, I believe that reading enhances creativity and I will tell you all now, being creative is the most fudgiest fun thing you can possibly do. Therefore not only does reading calm you down if you're anything like this anxiety ball called Tony Wedral, but it allows you to understand authors and their stories. Can you tell me what is your best book you have ever read, and why is that? The Fault In Our Stars, by internet icon and talented author, John Green. Of course, I may just sound like the typical teenager that raves about it, but I believe a good book has to hit one of your senior emotions, them being either laughter or sadness. The story is so realistic and beautiful, that the appreciation it is receiving, along with the hype for the film that is to be soon released, is fully deserved. It allows individuals to appreciate the fact that things can be worse in life, but also more beautiful. This may be a highly egocentric view, however we all crave to be feel better about ourselves. Therefore, when we find comfort by reading emotional books, or watching films that make us realise that we should appreciate what we 'DO' have, and not analyse what we 'DON'T' have, and the way The Fault In Our Stars targets those emotions, is remarkable. What are you currently reading at the moment, or just finished? I recently completed reading a book called The Tools, which is written by Phil Stutz & Barry Michels. All my life (figure of speech, ever since I could actually remember being a live human) I have suffered from forms of anxiety, or as I like to call it, EXTREME OVER-THINKING! For example, if I fall over in a place, then the next time I visit that place, I will most probably be afraid and very cautious of the surrounding perimeters. This may sound crazy, but finding that many people are the same made me find comfort (going back to the need to find relatable sources to feel comfort, which is a great thing about books). Anyway, the book gives you 5 tools on how to get through anxiety and overcome fears you may experience in particular situations. I don't have much money, so psychotherapy or that Derren Brown stuff wasn't in my best interests, so to find a highly reputable book was great. I found the book useful, and when I get into particular situations I will use the tools illustrated within the book, so therefore, to anyone who suffers from any form of anxiety or chronic stress, this book MAY be of good use to you. If you could be an animal, what would it be, and why? I legitimately would LOVE to be a koala bear. I mean, you just sit in a tree in amazing weather and eat leaves for a living. Then you sleep on the same tree and repeat without a care in the world. For me, relaxation is the greatest feeling in the world (alongside eating) and therefore that clearly justifies why I would love to be a koala bear. Maybe in my next life? Who knows; there's a possible idea for a book for any budding authors out there: "Koala: The previous man." Thanks for doing this Q&A Tony, I am looking forward to many more of your brilliant YouTube videos... Carl Thank you, I hope you found some enjoyment reading this interview! Tony @tonywedral |
Occupation: Social Media Aficionado
Country: UK |